Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Newsletter for the week of January 22nd

Memory work:
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

January 22, 2019

Dear Parents,
Happy Tuesday!   I hope that everyone had a wonderful three-day weekend and were able to keep warm. 
Remember to return the empty large brown envelope and the brown report card envelope (be sure to sign it) as soon as possible.  You may keep all of the contents. Also, if you have no need for the glass jar that the brownie mix was is, that can come back to me.
In math, we are working on mastering our subtraction facts.  The zeros, ones and twos were pretty easy.  The threes are more challenging now we are working on the minus 4 facts.  Please watch the math papers that are coming home.  Your child may need a little assistance in mastering these facts. There will be a set of flashcards coming home for each set of subtraction facts.  Please use these to play a game or two of concentration which will help review the math facts as well as work on some memory skills. It is important that the facts are memorized. 
Looking ahead, next week is National Lutheran Schools’ Week.  Our teachers are working on making each day special, including some special dress days. Here are the planned dress days:
Monday:  Pajama and comfy clothes day
Tuesday: Favorite sports team day
Wednesday: Dress up from a decade in the last 100 years
Thursday: Tourist Day- Wear your favorite vacation t-shirt
Friday:  Favorite Book Character Day-  Bring (or order from school) a sack lunch
and your favorite picture book to share during a book picnic!  (If a child chooses not to participate in the special dress day, he/she should wear their normal school uniform.)
            This coming Sunday is CCLS Sunday at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.  We will gather together for their 9:00 a.m. worship service and then there is a pancake breakfast following the worship service.  You are invited to join us.
            On Monday, the 28th, we will be working on a service project making “Birthday Bags” for Operation Food Search. These “celebrations in a bag” are shared with needy families to help make a child’s birthday a special day.  Each grade is asked to bring specific items for the bags. The second graders are asked to bring in cake mixes and cans of frosting. Feel free to bring several items if you wish.  Please send the items in tomorrow, Wednesday, so that we can plan how many more we need to purchase to make our goal. Our goal is to make 100 bags! 
Tuesday, January 29th, will be the 100th day of school for this year (provided that we do not miss a day of school between now and then).  I would like for each child to bring 100 things that they are willing to share with the children in the class for our celebration. (They can be edible (individually wrapped, please) or non-edible.) I am sure that everyone will come home with quite a collection!  It will be a great equal sharing activity.
Thanks for reading this letter.  God's blessings on your week!
Yours in Christ,
Janet Leet

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